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Meaningful Gated Content for Lead Conversion

These days, sales and marketing teams are getting more creative about capturing qualified leads. They can’t wine and dine clients at conferences, so inbound digital marketing with quality gated content is more important than ever. Depending on the tastes of your audience [OR buyer persona] there are several lead capturing content areas to consider.  

Lead generation funnel for life sciences marketing.

1. Win more leads with webinars

High-quality webinars are more important than ever. A good webinar is not a sales pitch but rather an educational opportunity to share a peer-authored case study with your target audience. Best practices include selecting a relevant topic, engaging key opinion leaders, writing a compelling title and abstract, and developing a comprehensive promotional plan. With proper execution, webinars can attract significant new leads to be funneled to your sales team. 

2. Educate your audience through white papers 

Crafting engaging and educational white papers can be a challenge but one worth pursuing. When well-executed, a white paper can provide real value to your audience and capture qualified leads as a downloadable asset. When writing your white paper strive for short paragraphs with clear topic sentences, use subheaders, and incorporate graphics and figures. Your completed whitepaper should be about 500-800 words and include 10-20 references. 

3. Blog for top of funnel 

Blogging is an ideal way to increase your search engine optimization (SEO) and drive new-to-company leads at the top of the marketing funnel. Use topic cluster analysis to find topics important to your ideal customer and develop educational content they will find valuable. A good blog will help drive traffic to your site and while you shouldn’t gate them, you can place links in the text directing the reader to additional content for downstream conversion. 

blogging icon

4. Produce engaging e-books

When your company has generated a large amount of data and content on a particular subject it might be time to write an e-book. While somewhat time-consuming to create, a well-crafted e-book can truly deliver high return on investment (ROI) by generating high-quality leads. Chances are those who download an e-book have a high level of interest in the subject matter and this often leads to a meaningful interaction for your company. 

5. Use video across channels

Creating and properly utilizing video is a key component of a robust digital marketing strategy. You should strive for a mix of company, application, and technology-centered explainer videos as top-of-funnel educational content. Try creating short snippets of key moments from pre-recorded webinars to share across social media. If you haven’t started yet, now is the time to build your online library with past webinars, presentations, and other video content. A short, animated explainer video or two are ideal for virtual booths at conferences and should also be given prominent placement on your webpage. 

Get started

An effective marketing and lead generation strategy doesn’t have to be overwhelming. At Samba Scientific our team of recovering research scientists, technical marketers and crafty creatives work in tandem to develop assets that convert more leads. Contact us today to get started. 

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