PRISM Lab is an affiliate lab of Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard offering novel multiplexed cancer cell line screening for both research and commercial drug developers.
PRISM Lab wanted to upgrade their website to a modern, ready-to-use source of interactive information for potential collaborators and current customers. Additionally, they needed a way to steer fact-finding inquiries towards their FAQs to decrease the volume of questions they were having to answer via email.
Samba dug into key differentiators in order to help PRISM Lab establish a brand identity and built a new, attractive website with sophisticated design elements. The new website features self-service inbound engagement opportunities with an extensive knowledge base and a chat feature to direct users to the appropriate article.
PRISM Lab introduced their new website alongside a Samba-designed exhibitor booth at AACR 2023, with collateral like a booth backdrop, stickers, postcards, and sell sheets. Shortly thereafter, over 130 new leads submitted an interest form for their upcoming sample submission window.
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